
Friday, March 23, 2012

Not satisfied with your life?

For those who always feel that life is unfair and it's always against us, let's see if life is really that bad.
Imagine that before you're born, give given a chance to draw a random ticket, a ticket which determines your looks, parents, nationality, health, wealth, intelligence, attitude, gender, race, etc. What would have been your chance to end up where you are now?

A rough estimation or distribution from the entire earth population gives the following results. Out of 100%,
49% are females.
51% are males.
20% in acceptable living conditions.
67% are illiterate and unable to read.
33% educated.
50% malnourished.
1% dying of hunger.
33% has no clean water supply.
16% has Internet access.

If you could turn back time, would you re-draw this ticket? I used to, but now I don't. The fact that i'm able to write and you're able to read this already prove that we've got a golden ticket whereas the majority out there who had chosen worse, are out there starving, living without a purpose, has no communication with the rest of the world!

What you get from life is a result of your actions, not your circumstances. Look at Oprah Winfrey for example, she has the success and wealth people are after, but these people doesn't want to endure through what she did. She had a very tough childhood, she could have blamed life for giving her a lousy ticket but she took responsibility instead and turned her life around!

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