Now you only have 3 choices.
Choice 1, blame something. A man who fails to become a NBA player blames his coach. When he was able to change his perception and tell himself, "This coach wasn't stopping me, i just felt like i lost everything and i don't know what to do so i'm for something to be mad about, someone to blame, so i don't have to blame myself and i dont have to feel so helpless."
When you're angry you don't feel so helpless, you feel strong for the moment even though its a fake strength! When you blame someone else.
When life doesn't match how you think it should be, blame something, an event, someone else or yourself.
Blame games just destroy you. For the moment you feel ok but nothing changes.
In life, you only have 2 choices. Either you change your life, I'm not happy with my relationship, i have to do something to fix it. I'm not happy with my results, i'll have to do something about it. You have to do something to change your life.
Or, you can change your blueprint. In order to be happy, if you can't change your life, you're gonna have to change your blueprint. Usually in life it requires a little bit of each. Does it make sense?
When that man who failed to be a NBA player lets go of his anger and denial, he starts to look at things. He began to find that spending time with his family, he was worthwhile being loved than to play basketball. Of course he loved to play basketball but professional basketball is no longer a part of him and he gotta shift that (perception). And he is a metaphor for all of us.
Because all of us gonna have times in our lives when "What we want" ot think "What life should be like" isn't going to match "How life really is".
Those moments if we blame, our lives go into pain.
If we change, we can change our lives and match out blueprint.
But we also have to know when it's not within our control, and that's how we're gonna have to make a change what our story is for our lives, what our expectations are. Not by lowering them but by changing what that model really is.
Noted from an Anthony Robbins talk.
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